Commentary: Canteen soul food, for the win


Amid conversations about the shortage of school canteen vendors, remember that recess is where students pick up life lessons, says father-of-three Imran Johri. SINGAPORE: As far as parental milestones go, 2025 is going to be the last year that I will be able to experience a very specific school canteen-related joy. The youngest member of our family will be entering Primary 1 , and will have to struggle with recess-financial management - for the first time. Sadly for me, it will be the last time

Commentary: Canteen soul food, for the win - 06:00
Commentary: Canteen soul food, for the win - 06:00


Commentary: Canteen soul food, for the win - 06:00
Commentary: Canteen soul food, for the win - 06:00