Overexposed Exposition: On the Evolutionary Function of Shame

Bogdan Hofbauer

Photo: From On the Evolutionary Function of Shame, at the Signature. There’s a moment about three quarters of the way through D. A. Mindell’s On the Evolutionary Function of Shame that’s a pretty good microcosm of the whole play: A brother and sister are attending their father’s birthday party, though we never see the father or the party, just a bit of what goes down out on the porch. Tensions are running high and the brother, Adam (Cody Sloan), has come outside to avoid his sister, Eve, played

Overexposed Exposition: On the Evolutionary Function of Shame https://www.vulture.com/ - 26.02.2025 21:00

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Overexposed Exposition: On the Evolutionary Function of Shame https://www.vulture.com/ - 26.02.2025 21:00