Woman wins 55 medals after 1 year in coma


KONYA After spending a year in a coma from a brain tumor and being told she may never walk again, a woman has defied the odds, earning 55 medals and trophies in just six years. Belgin Büyükşahin, now 48, was diagnosed with a brain tumor that required multiple surgeries, including two major operations during the year she spent in a coma. But when she woke up on April 6, 2018, her fight for life truly began. Despite the challenges, her love for sports and unyielding determination helped her

Woman wins 55 medals after 1 year in coma https://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/ - 10:00


Woman wins 55 medals after 1 year in coma https://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/ - 10:00