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din zilele anterioare
UK support to Ukraine always for self-defense, Starmer tells parliament Related news
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Number of grounded Russian Airbus jets revealed
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Moscow ranks among world’s top five cities in number of billionaires – report
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Ukrainian strikes injure 12 in Donbass city – governor
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Want to keep reading this article? Flavia Camargos Pereira New US Navy batteries are deemed submarine-safe BAE Systems’ Herne XLAUV set to hunt for underwater intelligence Chess Dynamics showcases counter-sUAV technology at Euronaval Norway invites four nations to talk partnerships over new frigates Egypt considers new submarine acquisitions Germany and Finland suspect “hybrid sabotage” of undersea infrastructure US Navy commissions littoral ship Nantucket Russian vessels exercise in English Channel and off Irish coast Australia narrows SEA 3000 frigate designs to TKMS and MHI
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‘If Russians invaded Eastern Europe tonight then we would fight,’ says British military general
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Do you have faith Donald Trump can end the war in Ukraine? Take our poll and have your say
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Russia's Vladimir Putin gifts zoo animals to North Korea as thanks for 8,000 soldiers
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Ce sunt rachetele balistice intercontinentale?
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No Western sanctions to limit Russia’s foreign trade — minister
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FACTBOX: What is known about UAV attacks on Russian regions
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Press review: US lets Kiev use anti-personnel mines and Iran may halt uranium enrichment
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US missile defense base in Poland long among Russian army’s targets — Foreign Ministry
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Bitcoin price hits fresh all-time high exceeding $98,000
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Soyuz rocket carrying Progress MS-29 cargo spaceship blasts off from Baikonur spaceport
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Russian troops liberate Dalneye community in Donbass region over past day
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Russian State Duma passes law on federal budget for 2025-2027
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Rusia își arată mușchii nucleari. Cum pot apăra aliații Ucraina de rachetele intercontinentale
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Funcționarii din Botoșani, acuzați că au luat mită pentru a emite ilegal peste 10.000 de buletine românești la ucraineni, ruși și moldoveni
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(VIDEO) Zaharova a primit instrucţiuni în direct
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Several cities embrace seaons’s first snowfall
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