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Sursă foto: Mediafax
din zilele anterioare
15 morţi în atacul cu camioneta din New Orleans, investigat ca act de terorism
(2 ştiri)
SUA încep anul nou cu un atac în New Orleans în care au murit 10 oameni. Autorul este un american născut și crescut în Texas
(2 ştiri)
Remarks by President Biden on Securing 235 Judicial Confirmations
(1 ştiri)
Remarks by President Biden on the Latest Developments in New Orleans | Catoctin Mountain Park, MD
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Driver in fatal New Orleans truck ramming may not have acted alone, had Islamic State flag
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VIDEO Cum a decurs atacul terorist din SUA: FBI oferă primele date oficiale / Atacatorul a fost descris de un vecin
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Trump îl acuză pe Biden pentru atacul terorist din SUA: 'De râsul întregii lumi!'
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Autorul atacului din New Orleans avea un steag ISIS. Ce se știe despre bărbat
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Syrie: le nouveau ministre de l'Information promet la "liberté de la presse et d'expression"
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Sugar Bowl Postponed After New Orleans Terror Attack Kills 15
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Cédric Jubillar, Nicolas Sarkozy, viols de Mazan: les grands procès à venir en 2025
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Syrian refugees in Iraq express concerns over the uncertain future in Syria
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Public funeral ceremony held in Syria for SDF fighters killed in Manbij
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La France a mené plusieurs frappes contre des sites de Daesh en Syrie
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Franţa bombardează în Siria obiective ale Statului Islamic
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From Guantanamo Bay to Malaysia: Return of Bali bombing duo cheers their loved ones, but raises concerns over rehabilitation
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After Terror Attacks, France’s Reckoning—and America’s Delayed Justice
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Siria: 31 de morţi în confruntări între kurzi şi luptători pro-turci
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Germany to extend border controls to curb illegal migration Related news
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Sirienii mai au de așteptat până când vor avea alegeri, după 5 decenii de dictatură a lui Bashar al-Assad, anunță liderul rebelilor
(6 ştiri)
IN FOCUS: ‘When I die, who’s going to look after you?’ – the pains of caring for adults with disabilities
IN FOCUS: ‘When I die, who’s going to look after you?’ – the pains of caring for adults with disabilities
IN FOCUS: ‘I only wish to live one second longer’ – the pains of parents of adults with disabilities
IN FOCUS: ‘I only wish to live one second longer’ – the pains of parents of adults with disabilities
Le directeur financier de la commune de Jemeppe-sur-Sambre, suspecté de blanchiment d'argent, s'est donné la mort