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BFM Crypto, le Club : Bitcoin, finalement écolo ? - 13/11
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Bitcoin, finalement écolo ? 🍃
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Bitcoin a ajuns la aproape 90.000 $ după victoria lui Trump. Se vorbește despre eliminarea impozitului pe monedele virtuale, dar și RISCURI
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Trump și promisiunea sa privind Bitcoin
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Le bitcoin ne s'arrête plus de s'envoler et franchit un nouveau seuil historique
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Dogecoin is soaring after Trump made Elon Musk's DOGE dreams come true
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Saks Fifth Avenue has canceled its annual holiday light show because of a 'challenging year for luxury'
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Trump-Wende treibt Bitcoin auf 93.000 Dollar, Krypto-Markt bei mehr als 3 Billionen
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Ghinion incredibil al Germaniei: Ţara a vândut în vară aproximativ 50.000 de bitcoini la un preţ de 57.900 de dolari, iar acum moneda digitală este cotată la peste 90.000 de dolari. Dacă tranzacţia ar fi avut loc astăzi Germania ar mai fi câştigat încă 1,6 miliarde de dolari
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UPDATE: Bitcoin sparge toate recordurile: Criptomoneda a depăşit 92.600 de dolari
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USA Today : E. Musk démantèlera-t-il Washington ? par John Plassard - 13/11
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Banque de France : le bitcoin vu autrement
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US Elections 2024 Bitcoin’s big bang moment is impossible to ignore
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Wall Street is going to have a very Merry Christmas
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Inflation ticked up slightly, but was consistent with Wall Street's expectations
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Une semaine après l’élection de Donald Trump, le bitcoin n’en finit plus de monter
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Cryptocurrency traders: share what got you into crypto, and how you feel about recent developments
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Revolut X: Challenger-Bank rollt Krypto-Exchange in ganz Europa aus
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Spirit Airlines can't even tell investors how bleak things are
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Amazon's super-cheap Temu competitor is here
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Petrolul PloieĹti anunĹŁÄ cÄ antrenorul Mehmet Topal Ĺi- var googletag = googletag
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Incident Čocant! Un Ĺofer beat Ĺi posibil drogat a lovit var googletag = googletag
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O femeie este cercetatÄ pentru tentativÄ de omor, dupÄ ce var googletag = googletag
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MApN investigheazÄ dacÄ o rachetÄ ruseascÄ a staČionat var googletag = googletag
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Oficial de la PoliČie despre explozia de pe strada Calomfir var googletag = googletag
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