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din zilele anterioare
Multipurpose Vaccine Shows New Promise in the Presence of Pre-Existing Immunity
(1 ştiri)
Mark Zuckerberg Regrets Allowing White House to Push COVID-19 Censorship in 2021: 'Government Pressure Was Wrong'
(5 ştiri)
Număr mai mare de cazuri de COVID faţă de săptămâna trecută
(1 ştiri)
Une étude relève peu de complications à long terme pour les troubles cardiaques post-vaccination anti-Covid
(2 ştiri)
Mark Zuckerberg a calificat presiunile autorităţilor americane din perioada pandemiei COVID drept ''o greşeală'' Mark Zuckerberg a calificat presiunile autorităţilor americane din perioada pandemiei COVID drept ''o greşeală''
(4 ştiri)
Delia trece vama de Ziua Independenței. Depuneri de flori, oaspeți de rang înalt și un concert grandios
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Deux premiers abandons belges à la Vuelta : De Plus et Goossens non-partants à la 10e étape
(1 ştiri)
Il n'y a jamais eu autant d'embouteillages au nord du pays : quelles sont les villes les plus touchées ?
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Crește numărul cazurilor de COVID-19
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‘I've been trapped in bed for two years - I considered writing goodbye letters to my children'
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Biden demanded Covid censorship – Zuckerberg
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Mark Zuckerberg spune că administraţia Biden a „presat” Meta să cenzureze conţinutul legat de Covid-19
(8 ştiri)
INSP: 5.515 de cazuri noi de infectare cu SARS-CoV-2 în săptămâna 19 - 25 august, creştere cu 2,1% INSP: 5.515 de cazuri noi de infectare cu SARS-CoV-2 în săptămâna 19 - 25 august, creştere cu 2,1%
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Zuckerberg, acuzații grave pentru Biden. I-a cerut să impună cenzura
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Zuckerberg says US pressure on COVID-19 posts was 'wrong'
(5 ştiri)
Dengue patients have higher risk of long-term complications than COVID-19 patients: NTU study
(3 ştiri)
Halep, batjocorită, comparativ cu Sinner: Kyrgios, revoltat de soluționarea celor două cazuri de dopaj
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Australia to limit foreign student enrolments in migration crackdown
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Opinii: Anul “perma-poli-electoral” și costul său nefast
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Șeful Facebook acuză presiuni pentru cenzurarea conținutului legat de COVID-19. ”Regret că nu am fost mai sinceri”
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IN FOCUS: ‘When I die, who’s going to look after you?’ – the pains of caring for adults with disabilities
IN FOCUS: ‘When I die, who’s going to look after you?’ – the pains of caring for adults with disabilities
IN FOCUS: ‘I only wish to live one second longer’ – the pains of parents of adults with disabilities
IN FOCUS: ‘I only wish to live one second longer’ – the pains of parents of adults with disabilities
Father charged with publishing information that could identify his child protected by court order