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din zilele anterioare
Efectele inundațiilor: România ar reduce deficitul la sub 3% abia în anii 2030. Polonia și Ungaria au șanse mai devreme
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Researchers identify new oscillatory patterns in COVID-19 cases across the U.S.
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NHS vaccine warning over 'tripledemic' of viruses as millions of Brits offered new jab
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Married police officer who slept with young rookie 'should have known better'
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Jumătate din tinerii Generației Z ar demisiona după trei zile de muncă la birou: „Pierdere de timp și de bani”
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Văleu, văleu, văleleu! 13 artiști de muzică populară riscă închisoarea pentru înșelăciune și fals în declarații! ”N-am știut că nu am dreptul”
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Notorious fraudster who lived life of luxury jailed over Covid loan scam
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Covid-19: pourquoi le pangolin serait-il innocenté?
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Alegeri SUA. Primii americani au votat în Minnesota, Dakota de Sud şi Virginia
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Kate Garraway ripped into by GMB viewers as she's blasted for being 'rude' to guest
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Scientists Claim They've Discovered the True Origin of Covid-19 — and Reject Widespread Lab Leak Conspiracy Theory
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Study shows video games can alleviate PTSD flashbacks
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Un nou studiu dezvăluie cum a explodat pandemia COVID-19. "Acesta este cel mai riscant lucru pe care îl putem face - să le luăm și apoi să ne jucăm cu focul!"
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Noi râdem de cei care fac şi vând eclere, clătite, plăcinte, ciorbe, cafea, dar ei susţin rezistenţa economiei româneşti
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British government borrowing reaches record $18.2B for August
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Married police chief breaking Covid rules was 'worse than affair' with officer 17 years younger
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New Covid map shows where every case in England is - check your postcode
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Research: How Anxiety Shapes Men’s and Women’s Leadership Differently
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Covid came from Wuhan market – study
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Cornel Dinu a fost operat la Spitalul Elias. „Nu este pe Pământ crimă mai mare decât nașterea, care ne condamnă pe toți la moarte”
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IN FOCUS: ‘When I die, who’s going to look after you?’ – the pains of caring for adults with disabilities
IN FOCUS: ‘When I die, who’s going to look after you?’ – the pains of caring for adults with disabilities
IN FOCUS: ‘I only wish to live one second longer’ – the pains of parents of adults with disabilities
IN FOCUS: ‘I only wish to live one second longer’ – the pains of parents of adults with disabilities
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