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din zilele anterioare
Acting Afghan minister, 6 others killed in Kabul explosion Related news
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Menace terroriste en France: faut-il s'inquiéter de la prise de pouvoir des rebelles jihadistes en Syrie?
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Mohammed al-Joulani, un "opportuniste islamiste": "Il aime bien faire copain-copain avec les gens qui peuvent lui servir"
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Syria’s territorial integrity must ‘absolutely’ be protected: Erdoğan
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Centrul Cultural Arab din Sibiu avertizează asupra ”revoluției” din Siria: Țara a intrat pe mâinile unor grupări fundamentaliste, jihadiste și cu origini explicit teroriste / Fawzia G. Rehejeh: ”Această frenezie globală refuză să vadă cealaltă fațetă a evenimentelor din Siria”
(3 ştiri)
Ministrul turc de Externe: "Trebuie să fim vigilenţi în această perioadă de tranziţie. Noi comunicăm cu grupurile”
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Türkiye urges stability as Syria enters post-Assad era
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Ministrul turc de externe susţine că ţara sa e în contact cu rebelii sirieni pentru a garanta situaţia de securitate
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Ezidis begin olive harvest after years of displacement amid terrorist PKK occupation Related news
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Pentagon says cooperation with SDF in Syria limited to fight against Daesh/ISIS Related news
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US military strikes Iranian-linked militia group's weapons storage facility in Syria Related news
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YPG/PKK terror group kills 1 civilian in northern Syria Related news
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US kills as many as 35 Daesh/ISIS operatives in Syria Related news
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Daesh: l'Irak annonce la mort du principal chef de l'organisation jihadiste dans le pays et de huit autres "terroristes"
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Allemagne: un Libyen arrêté pour un projet d'attentat contre l'ambassade d'Israël
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Une victime de l'attentat du 16 octobre se livre : "Il faut se reconstruire, mais je n'y arrive pas. J'ai l'impression de n'être ni vivant, ni mort"
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OPINION - Lies, damn lies, and the Netflix series Famagusta Related news
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Statul Islamic s-a întors, avertizează șeful serviciului secret britanic MI5 într-o rară apariție publică. Ce spune despre Rusia și Iran
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L'armée israélienne dit avoir libéré une Yazidie captive pendant dix ans à Gaza
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Fajon warns of continued threat at anti-IS coalition meeting
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IN FOCUS: ‘When I die, who’s going to look after you?’ – the pains of caring for adults with disabilities
IN FOCUS: ‘When I die, who’s going to look after you?’ – the pains of caring for adults with disabilities
IN FOCUS: ‘I only wish to live one second longer’ – the pains of parents of adults with disabilities
IN FOCUS: ‘I only wish to live one second longer’ – the pains of parents of adults with disabilities
Zuckerberg trash talks Apple in interview with Joe Rogan Zuckerberg trash talks Apple in interview with Joe Rogan