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Donald Trump
din zilele anterioare
Mexicul anunţă un „buton de panică” pentru cetăţenii săi din SUA ameninţaţi de expulzările lui Donald Trump
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Mexico tests cellphone app allowing migrants to send alert if they are about to be detained in US
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Olaf Scholz dezvăluie ce i-a spus Donald Trump despre încheierea războiului Ucraina-Rusia
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Trump says Bill Gates asked to meet in apparent message to Musk
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Le Mexique annonce la création d’un « bouton d’alerte » pour ses ressortissants aux Etats-Unis menacés par les expulsions massives promises par Donald Trump
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Bracing For A Tariff War
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Trump’s Surprising Promise to Immigrants Quickly Retracted by Campaign
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Le Point: Donald Trump pornește la război împotriva presei
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Bill Gates se duce la Trump
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Ex-FBI and CIA Head Pushes Senate to Reject Two Trump Nominees
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Câți ucraineni cred că revenirea lui Trump va aduce pacea mai repede. Ce arată datele unui sondaj
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En Corée du Sud, l’allongement du temps de travail au-delà du plafond de 52 heures hebdomadaires refait débat
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We're in for 'cruelty part two': Former HUD secy. slams family detention centers
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Avec Patel et Gabbard, l'ancien directeur du FBI et de la CIA craint pour l'avenir du renseignement américain : "Un précédent dangereux"
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The king is dead: Trump’s talk on ‘taking Canada’ highlights the demise of this critical political concept
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Panama’s President Trashes Trump’s “Nonsense” Lies About Canal
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Elon Musk’s Newest Critics on X Just Paid the Price
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Rusia flutură din nou amenințarea nucleară. De această dată îl vizează pe Donald Trump
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Aux Etats-Unis, les conservateurs relancent la bataille sur l’accès à l’avortement
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Musk and Ramaswamy defend foreign worker visas, sparking MAGA backlash
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IN FOCUS: ‘When I die, who’s going to look after you?’ – the pains of caring for adults with disabilities
IN FOCUS: ‘When I die, who’s going to look after you?’ – the pains of caring for adults with disabilities
IN FOCUS: ‘I only wish to live one second longer’ – the pains of parents of adults with disabilities
IN FOCUS: ‘I only wish to live one second longer’ – the pains of parents of adults with disabilities
Southport murderer bought weapons and ricin-making equipment two years before attack