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Donald Trump
din zilele anterioare
Ukraine war and climate stalemate loom over G20 summit
(2 ştiri)
COP29 : face au malaise de l’élection de Trump, la conférence pour le climat entre déni et espoir
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Piers Morgan Wants Liberals to 'Just Shut Up' About Trump Winning the Election: 'Enough of It' | Video
(1 ştiri)
Palestinians in the West Bank reflect on Donald Trump's election win
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Aux États-Unis, une ville se retrouve plongée dans la nuit jusqu'au 22 janvier
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Trump Tells Republican Senators to 'Hold the Line' After DA Agrees to Postpone His Sentencing
(1 ştiri)
The devastating reality of Trump's mass deportation plan is settling in
(2 ştiri)
Donald Trump is Getting Sensitive, Classified Information Again
(1 ştiri)
Watch: Fox News Begs Trump to Give Up on Matt Gaetz Already
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Trump to Pick GOP Billionaire to Run Commerce Department Into Ground
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Analiză Atacul masiv al Rusiei asupra Ucrainei, din weekend, arată că obiectivele de război maximaliste ale Kremlinului rămân neschimbate
(22 ştiri)
FOTO Ciolacu a discutat cu Trump
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Trump's pro-business policies to benefit India's IT sector, Wipro chair says
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Donald Trump și paradoxul energetic. O creștere a producției de petrol ar putea duce la o scădere a prețurilor
(1 ştiri)
"Twitter est une souffrance": Marine Tondelier appelle à "réguler" ou "fermer" le réseau social d'Elon Musk
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Pariul lui Musk pe realegerea lui Trump, posibil cea mai de succes poziționare politică din istoria pieței de capital a SUA. Evoluția Tesla, un prim semnal
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Paradoxul energetic în timpul președinților Trump și Biden
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‘Audit’ by Trump would be nightmare for Zelensky – Moscow
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Gelu Duminică: E foarte greu ca un slogan să devină marcă înregistrată pentru un candidat
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Vladimir Putin 'knows' Trump's deal will fail - 'and he's already planning to kill Zelensky'
(1 ştiri)
Christmas tree on Design Orchard mall rooftop catches fire
PAP elects top decision-making body, Chee Hong Tat joins CEC for first time
PAP elects top decision-making body, Chee Hong Tat joins CEC for first time
With high stakes in next general election, PAP can no longer 'afford to stay in the background': Lawrence Wong
Orderly transitions in political leadership cannot be taken for granted: SM Lee in last speech as PAP chief