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Donald Trump
din zilele anterioare
Peter Mandelson: Why Britain has picked the 'Prince of Darkness' to be its 'Trump Whisperer'
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Exclusiv Ce argumente ar putea folosi Trump ca să îl convingă pe Putin să oprească războiul. Expert: E imposibilă o pace în 24 de ore
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Early signs suggest Trump 2.0 will be bringing the chaos back
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Starbucks workers in 3 cities are on strike before Christmas
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Promisiunea liderii statelor UE pentru Ucraina în 2025. Și-au reafirmat susținerea față de Kiev pentru o pace dreaptă, dar ”nu cu orice preț”
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Ce a vorbit Zelenski cu liderii europeni
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Ukraine : les Européens commencent à préparer la paix, tout en maintenant leur soutien militaire à Kiev
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Why People Believe Trump and RFK Jr.’s Dangerous and Debunked Claims about Vaccines and Autism
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Fairness im Wahlkampf? Zeig Respekt, du Opfer!
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Le match des traders : Donald Trump fait dérailler les marchés - 20/12
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De ce guvernul SUA e la un pas de colaps. Termenul expiră la miezul nopții
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Elon Musk şochează. Pariază pe „extremişti” pentru salvarea Germaniei
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Former EU trade commissioner Peter Mandelson expected to be new U.K. ambassador to U.S.
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Primul test major pentru Trump în relația cu Rusia: solicitarea Moscovei
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US Elections 2024 A fiscal fight is brewing in the court of Donald Trump
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Liderii celor 27 state membre ale Uniunii Europene (UE) Ĺi-au reafirmat susĹŁinerea faĹŁÄ de Kiev
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Blinken şi-a exprimat speranţa că Trump va continua eforturile pentru o apropiere între Israel şi Arabia Saudită
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‘Middle finger’ to Trump: Medvedev comments on Zelensky’s Putin insult
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Premierul britanic, ”conștient de pericolul” pe care îl reprezintă taxele vamale promise de Trump: Nu sunt un fan al tarifelor. Trebuie să ne asigurăm că le evităm
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Biden carried out the highest level of deportations since 2014, new report says
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North Dakota senator’s son is sentenced to 28 years after chase that killed a sheriff’s deputy
CNA Correspondent - Best of: Journey to the contested Scarborough Shoal in the South China Sea
Justin Baldoni sues New York Times for $250 million over Blake Lively story
Mining start-up backed by Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos valued at $2.96bn
The UK office landlords selling yoga and pot plants as well as space