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Donald Trump
din zilele anterioare
Border czar: U.S. to 'construct family facilities' for detentions and deportations
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After the Matt Gaetz fiasco, some accountability is in order
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Donald Trump Jr.'s New Girlfriend Bettina Anderson Sizzles in Red Dress at Christmas Party
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Why is Trump, even in the election’s wake, selling so much stuff?
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Katie Porter on Democratic oversight in second Trump term
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Rep. Robert Garcia: ‘Democrats are going to fight like hell’ for Americans
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Panama rejects Trump’s canal control demand
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Why Trump’s new pick for U.S. ambassador to Panama matters
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Universities tell international students to return to U.S. before Trump's inauguration
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MAGA in Total Mayhem as Laura Loomer Goes to War With Elon Musk
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‘Democrats need to step up’: Trump's reported immigration plans may inspire activism, experts say
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Mexicul a anunţat o strategie de urgenţă pentru protejarea migranţilor mexicani din SUA
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Postarea fiului lui Trump, Eric, despre cumpărarea altor țări de pe Amazon, a devenit virală. „Ne-am întors!”
(2 ştiri)
Într-o urare de Crăciun, Trump a evocat posibilitatea ca SUA să anexeze Canada și a promis canadienilor reduceri de impozite de 60%
(5 ştiri)
Loi spéciale : pourvu que ça ne dure pas ! - 26/12
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Une histoire de visas vient mettre la pagaille dans le clan de Donald Trump: "J'ai hâte du divorce inévitable entre le président Trump et la Big Tech"
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Story 6 : Le message de Noël de Trump - 26/12
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Can Trump Fulfill Promise On Bank Deregulation?
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Cea mai secretă societate din lume îl numește ca nou lider pe Stoltenberg, după ce alegerea lui Trump provoacă schimbări în ordinea globală
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Dem Congresswoman Retires With Message to All Old People in Office
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IN FOCUS: ‘When I die, who’s going to look after you?’ – the pains of caring for adults with disabilities
IN FOCUS: ‘When I die, who’s going to look after you?’ – the pains of caring for adults with disabilities
IN FOCUS: ‘I only wish to live one second longer’ – the pains of parents of adults with disabilities
IN FOCUS: ‘I only wish to live one second longer’ – the pains of parents of adults with disabilities
China’s seniors have remarkable stories to tell. And they’re turning them into memoirs