Centrala nucleară Three Mile Island, unde a avut loc cel mai grav accident nuclear din SUA, va fi repornită pentru a furniza energie companiei Microsoft

Energie Electrica

Firma a anunţat că acordul pe 20 de ani va implica repornirea reactorului Unitatea 1, „care a funcţionat la cele mai înalte niveluri de siguranţă şi fiabilitate din industrie timp de decenii, înainte de a fi închis din motive economice, în urmă cu exact cinci ani”. Microsoft va cumpăra energie de la centrală ca parte a obiectivului său de a utiliza energie electrică fără emisii de carbon în centrele sale de date, conform unui comunicat de presă care anunţă acordul.  Se preconizează că reactorul

Tag-uri: Energie Electrica accident

US nuclear regulator has not gotten application for Three Mile Island restart https://www.channelnewsasia.com/ - 21.09.2024 02:01
US nuclear regulator has not gotten application for Three Mile Island restart https://www.channelnewsasia.com - 20.09.2024 21:16
Three Mile Island is reopening and selling its power to Microsoft https://edition.cnn.com - 20.09.2024 16:25
Three Mile Island nuclear plant set for restart on Microsoft AI power deal https://www.channelnewsasia.com/ - 20.09.2024 07:11
Three Mile Island nuclear plant could restart on Microsoft AI power deal https://www.channelnewsasia.com/ - 20.09.2024 07:11

din zilele anterioare

US nuclear regulator has not gotten application for Three Mile Island restart https://www.channelnewsasia.com/ - 21.09.2024 02:01
US nuclear regulator has not gotten application for Three Mile Island restart https://www.channelnewsasia.com - 20.09.2024 21:16
Three Mile Island is reopening and selling its power to Microsoft https://edition.cnn.com - 20.09.2024 16:25
Three Mile Island nuclear plant set for restart on Microsoft AI power deal https://www.channelnewsasia.com/ - 20.09.2024 07:11
Three Mile Island nuclear plant could restart on Microsoft AI power deal https://www.channelnewsasia.com/ - 20.09.2024 07:11