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din zilele anterioare
Kommt noch eine Jahresendrally obendrauf?
(2 ştiri)
Cât va fi inflația din zona euro la începutul anului viitor, potrivit guvernatorului Franței: „Asta este o veste bună”
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Banca Centrală Europeană reduce din nou ratele dobânzilor, după ce inflația din UE a scăzut
(1 ştiri)
European companies continue layoffs due to stagnant economic outlook Related news
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Adrian Negrescu: “Creșterea galopantă a prețurilor arată lipsa măsurilor luate de Guvern”
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Cum se pregătesc românii de Black Friday 2024. Dorin Boerescu (2Performant): „Cât de bine știi să folosești Google, atât de bune vor fi cumpărăturile” VIDEO
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Chancellor Rachel Reeves 'considering income tax threshold squeeze' in Budget
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Noua taxă pe bere. Decizie la Guvern valabilă din 2025: Punem calendar de creștere
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Are you better off than four years ago? Why US voters should – but can’t – say yes
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DP19595 The Pass-Through of Inflation Expectations into Prices and Wages: Evidence from an RCT Survey
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ULTIMA ORĂ DOCUMENT Acciza la bere - Guvernul renunță la ajustarea cu inflația și pregătește majorări de 4,3% pentru anul următor și de 5% pentru 2026
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Analiză: Moneda euro s-ar putea devaloriza substanțial în 2025
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La Banque de France voit l'inflation atteindre 2% en zone euro "plus tôt que prévu" en 2025
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The True Dangers of Trump’s Economic Plans
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DP19594 Inflation and Labor Markets: A Bottom-Up View
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Policy normalization helps restore stability in Türkiye: World Bank
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Bank of Japan chief warns of unstable markets, global uncertainties
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Vasle says ECB not committing to pre-determined path for interest rates
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Kevin Hassett: ‘They let inflation get out of control’
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Tokyo inflation likely to miss BOJ target for first time in five months: Reuters poll
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IN FOCUS: ‘When I die, who’s going to look after you?’ – the pains of caring for adults with disabilities
IN FOCUS: ‘When I die, who’s going to look after you?’ – the pains of caring for adults with disabilities
IN FOCUS: ‘I only wish to live one second longer’ – the pains of parents of adults with disabilities
IN FOCUS: ‘I only wish to live one second longer’ – the pains of parents of adults with disabilities
COLOANA DE MANIFESTANȚI DEPĂȘEȘTE 3 KILOMETRI, DE LA UNIVERSITATE LA VICTORIEI - Cel mai mare protest după anularea alegerilor. Românii se unesc să își apere drepturile: 50.000 de mii de voci la unison | Transmisie LIVE
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