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din zilele anterioare
Iranul desfăşoară exerciţii militare în apropierea unităţilor nucleare
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Iran expands drills ahead of nuclear talks with Europe
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Trump’s Ukraine envoy calls for ‘maximum pressure’ on Tehran
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Hugo Micheron, spécialiste du djihadisme : « Il y a probablement plus de velléitaires djihadistes en Europe qu’il y a dix ans »
(1 ştiri)
Over 22M children out of schools in Pakistan, premier says, calling for efforts to prioritize girls' education Related news
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Execuţie publică în Siria: Loialist al fostului regim Assad, legat de un copac şi împuşcat în cap
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Dix ans après la manifestation du 11 janvier 2015, les clivages intellectuels se sont creusés
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Iranul prezintă „oraşele subterane de drone şi rachete!
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Restoration work to revive historic splendor of Ancient Van City
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Secretele victoriei lui Ștefan cel Mare la Vaslui. Cum a reușit domnitorul unei țări mici să provoace cea mai grea înfrângere din istoria Islamului
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Iran unveils underground storage facility, claims development of ‘new special missiles’
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"Vous ne pouvez pas être sérieux": une publicité de Paskistan Airlines montrant un avion voler proche de la tour Eiffel provoque un tollé (PHOTO)
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Shamima Begum's prison camp 'release is ticking time bomb' for terrifying reason
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Bannie depuis 4 ans du ciel européen, la compagnie Pakistan International Airlines fait un retour remarqué à Paris
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Șeful diplomației italiene s-a întâlnit cu noul lider de la Damasc. Ce au discutat cei doi
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Pakistan : la compagnie aérienne nationale reprend ses vols vers l’Europe
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Iran unveils new loitering munition, announces separate push for 1,000 ‘strategic’ drones
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‘We would turn up to find books on fire’: the teachers risking kidnap and death to keep Burkina Faso’s schools open
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În Siria are loc prima vizită a anchetatorilor ONU asupra crimelor comise în războiul civil. 4000 de presupuși autori se află pe lista investigațiilor
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Armata israeliană afirmă că a interceptat trei drone care veneau dinspre est
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IN FOCUS: ‘When I die, who’s going to look after you?’ – the pains of caring for adults with disabilities
IN FOCUS: ‘When I die, who’s going to look after you?’ – the pains of caring for adults with disabilities
IN FOCUS: ‘I only wish to live one second longer’ – the pains of parents of adults with disabilities
IN FOCUS: ‘I only wish to live one second longer’ – the pains of parents of adults with disabilities
Spanish PM urges EU to ‘rebel’ against Silicon Valley