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din zilele anterioare
Drunk mum, 38, caught on camera stamping on boyfriend's head outside Lidl
(1 ştiri)
Proprietarul Lidl și Kaufland cumpără acțiuni la o companie de transport cu operațiuni și în România
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Cheapest UK supermarket in August named out of Tesco, Aldi and more - including loyalty prices
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Povestea tânărului din Iași care aduce legume proaspete pe rafturile Lidl
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'I went to Lidl - this is the one piece of fruit you need in your basket to find love'
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Major supermarket chain shuts down customer app and issues update to shoppers
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Un aliment consumat zilnic de români conține până la 10 E-uri și 5 grame de zaharuri STUDIU
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Parizer de pasăre plin de E-uri și zaharuri! Organizația de protecție a consumatorilor InfoCons a analizat produsul la cele mai celebre supermarketuri
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Lidl makes 'scandalous' change to beloved crisp product that leaves shoppers fuming
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Comunicat de presă - Asociaţia Zi de BINE
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Rentrée: quelles sont les enseignes qui améliorent le pouvoir d'achat des Français?
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Le grand test des marques : c'est l'hécatombe pour les salades de thon, avec une majorité de produits en échec (COMPARATIF)
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New Survey Finds Widespread Energy Drink Consumption Among Bulgarian Youth
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'I bought £20 Lidl Mystery Box – items inside make me feel like I hit the jackpot'
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Dès septembre, Lidl acceptera les titres restaurant
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Rentrée scolaire: "Les prix des fournitures ont très peu baissé", déclare Michel Biero, vice-président de Lidl France
(4 ştiri)
"On se bat pour baisser les prix": l'interview en intégralité de Michel Biero, vice-président de Lidl France
(2 ştiri)
Cluj: Accident pe Calea Baciului. O motocicletă și un autoturism au fost implicate. O persoană a fost transportată la spital - FOTO
(1 ştiri)
Un clujean riscă ani grei de închisoare, după ce a furat 10 bucăți de salam din Lidl, chiar de Ziua Îndrăgostiților
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Lidl's £50 limited edition designer 'Croissant Bag' will 'sell out in seconds'
(1 ştiri)
IN FOCUS: ‘When I die, who’s going to look after you?’ – the pains of caring for adults with disabilities
IN FOCUS: ‘When I die, who’s going to look after you?’ – the pains of caring for adults with disabilities
IN FOCUS: ‘I only wish to live one second longer’ – the pains of parents of adults with disabilities
IN FOCUS: ‘I only wish to live one second longer’ – the pains of parents of adults with disabilities
Untangling the Transatlantic Knot: Germany, France, and the United States