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Game of Thrones
din zilele anterioare
‘Dune: Prophecy’ Review: HBO’s Stellar Sci-Fi Series Is Like ‘Game of Thrones’ in Space
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If You’ve Seen At Least One Episode Of Game Of Thrones, You’ll Definitely Score Above 7/30
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Un băiat de 14 ani s-a sinucis pentru a fi mai aproape de un chatbot. El a crezut că sunt îndrăgostiți
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A Game of Thrones movie may be coming – but do we really need it?
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UCIS DE INTELIGENȚA ARTIFICIALĂ. Tragedia lui Sewell și Daenerys
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În curs de dezvoltare la Hollywood - Un film „Game of Thrones”
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'Game of Thrones' movie in early development: reports
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Un film "Game of Thrones", în curs de dezvoltare la Hollywood
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Un film "Game of Thrones" en cours de développement
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Vești bune pentru fanii „Game of Thrones”. Dragonii ajung pe marile ecrane
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Veste fantastică pentru fanii 'Game of Thrones'. Serialul fenomen va avea parte de o continuare
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Un film bazat pe serialul de succes „Game of Thrones”, în pregătire
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O PERSONALITATE PE ZI: Actriţa şi cântăreaţa Natalia Tena
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A ‘Game Of Thrones’ film is reportedly in early development
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Tell Us Which TV Show You Think Is Completely Overrated
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Sophie Turner reflects on 'beautiful relationship' with Joe Jonas as she talks 'hard' divorce
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Inteligența Artificială a ucis un adolescent. Un tânăr american a fost îndemnat să se sinucidă de un chatbot hipersexualizat, care o reprezenta pe Daenerys Targaryen din Game of Thrones
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Un băiat s-a îndrăgostit de un chatbot AI care se dădea drept Daenerys Targaryen. Discuția ireală dintre ei care a dus la o tragedie
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O copie din plastic a celebrului tron din serialul "Game of Thrones" a fost vândută la licitaţie cu o sumă exorbitantă
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Un serial cu o celebră hoață de bijuterii debutează la Epic Drama
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IN FOCUS: ‘When I die, who’s going to look after you?’ – the pains of caring for adults with disabilities
IN FOCUS: ‘When I die, who’s going to look after you?’ – the pains of caring for adults with disabilities
IN FOCUS: ‘I only wish to live one second longer’ – the pains of parents of adults with disabilities
IN FOCUS: ‘I only wish to live one second longer’ – the pains of parents of adults with disabilities
Bruno Retailleau durcit les critères pour régulariser des étrangers sans-papiers