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L’économie de la drogue dans le Triangle d’or ravivée par la crise birmane
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US Elections 2024 Covid lockdown sceptic is frontrunner to lead Trump health agency
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Trump nominates surgeon general and directors of CDC and FDA
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Workplace Accidents in the EU Rise Amid Economic Recovery
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Un studiu global privind mobilitatea orașelor dezvăluie impactul COVID-19 asupra obiceiurilor de transport
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O femeie a primit primul transplant dublu pulmonar din lume, realizat complet robotic | VIDEO
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Cum vede alegerile MEDICUL român din Franța DECORAT de Macron. ”Țara normală” în care s-ar întoarce și așteptările de la al nouălea PREȘEDINTE
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'Matt Hancock is just trying to salvage his reputation - lockdown was too late for my dad'
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Nu, nu există suficiente studii care să demonstreze că ivermectina este eficientă împotriva cancerului
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Non, il n’y a pas suffisamment d’études pour démontrer que l’ivermectine est efficace contre le cancer
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Masque, déplacements: plus de 2 millions d'infractions liées au Covid enregistrées pendant l'état d'urgence sanitaire
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Namur : un notaire poursuivi pour abus de biens sociaux et détournements devant le tribunal correctionnel
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Bronchiolite: le vaccin de Moderna intégré dans la stratégie de vaccination des seniors
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I'm A Celebrity struck by horror floods as weather chaos sparks nightmare for ITV bosses
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Motivul pentru care fiul Corneliei Catanga nu mai vizitează mormântul artistei: „Mama nu e moartă”
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Digital nomadism redefines work and travel across the globe Related news
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Study: Increase in decomposed deaths raises concerns about social isolation
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Online reviews of health care facilities drop significantly after COVID-19 pandemic
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I'm A Celebrity star Dean McCullough faced homophobia hell from bullies
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Matt Hancock makes bombshell claim that Covid pandemic did not overwhelm the NHS
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IN FOCUS: ‘When I die, who’s going to look after you?’ – the pains of caring for adults with disabilities
IN FOCUS: ‘When I die, who’s going to look after you?’ – the pains of caring for adults with disabilities
IN FOCUS: ‘I only wish to live one second longer’ – the pains of parents of adults with disabilities
IN FOCUS: ‘I only wish to live one second longer’ – the pains of parents of adults with disabilities
Trump: ”Preşedintele Putin vrea să ne întîlnim. El a spus-o public, iar noi trebuie să terminăm cu acest război, care este o adevărată risipă”