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din zilele anterioare
No One Knows Your Risk Like You Do: WHO Urges Caution Ahead of Respiratory Virus Season
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Covid-19 may increase the risk of heart attacks, strokes and deaths for three years after an infection, study suggests
(2 ştiri)
Trump Allegedly Had Multiple Private Talks with Putin Since Leaving Office
(1 ştiri)
O companie de ceasuri monitorizează timpul petrecut de angajați la toaletă și îl deduce din orele de lucru, în Elveția
(1 ştiri)
Kremlin Confirms Trump Sent Putin COVID-19 Tests While President
(4 ştiri)
Cancerele agresive extermină personalul medical vaccinat
(1 ştiri)
COVID-19 significantly raises stroke risk
(1 ştiri)
A murit Bogdan Barbu, tânăr activist de la partidul progresist ACUM, apropiat de REPER - “Am făcut ambele doze Pfizer, am recomandat tuturor care pot să se vaccineze să o facă. Voi dori să-i vaccinez și pe cei doi copii ai mei”
(2 ştiri)
Republicans are challenging all aspects of mail-in voting in battleground states
(1 ştiri)
Raritate: Hidroelectrica a vândut energie cu livrare peste 3 ani
(1 ştiri)
In a Pair of Musicals, Gabriel Kahane Seeks America and Himself
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Damage to brainstem might be driving Long COVID
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Deaths outstrip births in UK for first time in nearly 50 years
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Cum a fost pedepsitÄ Diana ĹoĹoacÄ de Parlamentul European?
(1 ştiri)
În 2020 marca pentru ultima victorie a lui Dinamo cu FCSB în campionat, azi joacă la Inter Dragomireşti pe teren redus! Eroul „câinilor” nu s-a înțeles cu un club de Liga 3: „Sper să-mi găsesc echipă”. EXCLUSIV
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O parte din birourile Direcţiei de Asistenţă Socială Sfântu Gheorghe îşi suspendă temporar activitatea
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Al Pacino, la un pas de moarte din cauza Covid-19
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Moins de Covid, plus d'accidents: les principales causes de mortalité des Français en 2022
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New insights into family adaptation in Singapore during the COVID-19 pandemic
(1 ştiri)
Strictly's Adam Thomas 'investigated as restaurant closes down despite six-figure tax bill'
(1 ştiri)
Judge says Giuliani cannot delay his trial to attend Trump’s inauguration events
Porsche is holding on to gas cars for a bit longer Porsche is holding on to gas cars for a bit longer
Porsche is holding on to gas cars for a bit longer Porsche is holding on to gas cars for a bit longer
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