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din zilele anterioare
85 Window Views So Beautiful, People Had To Capture Them And Share
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Lupta cu inflația, aproape de final. FMI: Este aproape câştigată
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Economia SUA, pe drumul cel bun, în timp ce zona euro are probleme
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FMI: ”Lupta globală împotriva inflaţiei este aproape câştigată”. Totuși riscurile negative cresc
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Quick, McDo ou Burger King : le prix d'un même burger peut être différent d'un restaurant à l'autre !
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Votre Santé du mardi 22 octobre 2024 - Rhône : campagne de vaccination pour le Covid
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New research uncovers how coronavirus evades immune defense
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Jon Stewart Tries to Make Sense of the 'Fever Dream' Part of the Election: 'Did We All Die During COVID?'
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Île-de-France: des RER et Transilien supprimés pour les vacances de la Toussaint, les usagers agacés
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Twisted GP 'poisoned' neighbour's plants before trying to kill stepdad with fake Covid jab
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INSP: 554 de cazuri noi de COVID-19 în ultima săptămână, în scădere cu 41,6%; şapte decese
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En 2025, le budget ordinaire est à l'équilibre pour la Communauté germanophone : "32 millions sont alloués à la rénovation d'écoles"
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Cercetătorii australieni: Vaccinurile ARN mesager circulă și se descompun în sângele uman
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Don't eat these foods if you've got XEC Covid or sore throat, expert says
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Why Obama slamming Trump on his response to Covid matters
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Ceasurile inteligente ar putea ajuta la detectarea COVID-19 și a bolilor cardiace, conform unui studiu
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Pandemia a lăsat urme adânci în comportamentele copiilor: tristeţe profundă, retragere şi bullying
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Kate Garraway on 'hugely emotional night' at Pride of Britain Awards without Derek Draper
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În vaccinurile Covid au fost detectate 55 de elemente chimice toxice nedeclarate, printre care toate cele 11 metale grele -STUDIU NOU
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EURESTOP network aims to tackle antibiotic resistance crisis
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IN FOCUS: ‘When I die, who’s going to look after you?’ – the pains of caring for adults with disabilities
IN FOCUS: ‘When I die, who’s going to look after you?’ – the pains of caring for adults with disabilities
IN FOCUS: ‘I only wish to live one second longer’ – the pains of parents of adults with disabilities
IN FOCUS: ‘I only wish to live one second longer’ – the pains of parents of adults with disabilities
Exclusiv Ioan Ovidiu Sabău, după înfrângerea din Antalya: "Foarte puține realizări, echipa obosită și fără ritm"