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din zilele anterioare
Cerșetoria ar putea fi interzisă în Suedia, după ce criminalitatea a crescut. „Nu e normal ca oamenii să traverseze jumătate din Europa ca să cerșească la noi”
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Long COVID affects 38% of emergency patients with persistent symptoms
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New humanized mouse models created to study COVID-19
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Time-restricted eating linked to greater blood sugar control and fat loss
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Seulement 10 buts après neuf matchs pour Anderlecht : dans toute son histoire, seul l'Anderlecht de Davies-Kompany a moins marqué
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Finlanda afirmă că subvențiile de stat acordate de UE „au mers prea departe” / Ministrul finlandez al Economiei, Wille Rydman, afirmă că banii pentru criză subminează piața unică
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A Mayotte, l’épidémie de choléra jugulée par les autorités sanitaires
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Tudor Chirilă a făcut anunțul: Am ieşit pozitiv la COVID! Ce se întâmplă cu programul artistului?
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How to order free rapid covid tests from the US government — again How to order free rapid covid tests from the US government — again
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Mondo cane / Marea dramă a omenirii nu este nici covidul și nici ciuma. Nu este nici HIV și nici măcar un război.
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Supply Chains Belong at the Top of a CEO’s Agenda
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Study links COVID-19 to increased risk of acute kidney disorders
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Reforma Sistemului Medical Românesc: Ce Lecții Putem Învăța din Modelele Europene?
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Trump leads, and his party follows, on vaccine skepticism
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Brit zoologist and family on ‘kill list’ after working with Chinese scientists
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Immobilier : le marché « atterrit en douceur », mais l’investissement locatif chute
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California voters consider tough love for repeat drug offenders
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Elections communales 2024 à Frasnes-lez-Anvaing : ils seront cinq à se partager les parts de gâteau ! Si vous êtes élu(e) à la tête de la commune, quelle sera votre première mesure forte ? Notre commentaire : "Un "ménage à trois" n'apparaît plus tabou"
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Companiile din Marea Britanie își cheamă angajații la birou. „Slavă Domnului”, spun cei din sectorul imobiliar
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Tudor Chirilă a primit un diagnostic crunt. Și-a anulat de urgență toate concertele
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IN FOCUS: ‘When I die, who’s going to look after you?’ – the pains of caring for adults with disabilities
IN FOCUS: ‘When I die, who’s going to look after you?’ – the pains of caring for adults with disabilities
IN FOCUS: ‘I only wish to live one second longer’ – the pains of parents of adults with disabilities
IN FOCUS: ‘I only wish to live one second longer’ – the pains of parents of adults with disabilities
Commentary: Meta’s U-turn on fact-checking is dangerous, but perhaps there’s a silver lining