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din zilele anterioare
Ljubljana airport records million passengers much earlier this year
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Cancer cases in the US continued to be underdiagnosed during the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic
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Amendă de 175 000 de lei pentru o tânără care lua bani în schimbul unor certificate de vaccinare împotriva COVID-19, fără ca persoanele să fie imunizate în mod real
(1 ştiri)
O tânără a fost amendată cu 175 mii de lei pentru obținerea frauduloasă a certificatelor de vaccinare COVID-19 Top 10 știri Foto Noutăți de la parteneri
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Premierul britanic Starmer promite un plan pe 10 ani pentru a rezolva criza din sistemul de sănătate
(8 ştiri)
CJUE: Plafonarea prețurilor la alimente, măsura luată de Ungaria în 2022, contravine legislației UE / România a luat o decizie similară în 2023
(6 ştiri)
Tourism rebounds but remains vulnerable to ‘health threats’
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Curtea de Justiţie UE: Ungaria a încălcat legislaţia în materie de concurenţă prin plafonarea preţurilor
(5 ştiri)
Golden Coast, le festival qui veut devenir le Hellfest du rap
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Study reveals how SARS-CoV-2 triggers diabetes by destroying pancreatic cells
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Study links COVID-19 to higher benzodiazepine use in postpartum women
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'My kids said goodbye to their dad on FaceTime - now the Covid inquiry will never hear their story'
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Why 'The Old Man' Paired Jeff Bridges and John Lithgow With a Global Expansion in Season 2
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Inteligența artificială poate schimba credința în teoriile conspirației, arată un studiu
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Dad issues heartbreaking plea after finding out he has just five years to live
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In new survey, many Americans don't plan to get fall flu, COVID-19 vaccines
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High-dose amphetamine use linked to increased risk of psychosis or mania
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Dans les campagnes chinoises, le boom des maisons de retraite
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Les objectifs de la BCE
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To Build Resilience, CEOs Need to Become Supply-Chain Experts
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IN FOCUS: ‘When I die, who’s going to look after you?’ – the pains of caring for adults with disabilities
IN FOCUS: ‘When I die, who’s going to look after you?’ – the pains of caring for adults with disabilities
IN FOCUS: ‘I only wish to live one second longer’ – the pains of parents of adults with disabilities
IN FOCUS: ‘I only wish to live one second longer’ – the pains of parents of adults with disabilities
Mars to be visible from Singapore on Jan 16 in brightest appearance since December 2022