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din zilele anterioare
Obesity identified as a significant risk factor for COVID-19 infection
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Study aims to find new ways of alleviating the long-term effects of COVID-19
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Immune cells prevent the lungs' protective barrier from healing after viral infections
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Andrew Cuomo agrees to testify publicly next week about his Covid-era nursing home advisory
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COVID – 19 bate în retragere. Autoritățile îndeamnă populația să fie precaută
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Corporate Bankruptcies Are Rising Globally
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More than 9,000 hotel workers are now on strike
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Numărul cazurilor noi de COVID-19, în scădere, în ultima saptămână. Ce recomandă ANSP
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Le comité des fêtes veut relancer la Ducasse d'Hérinnes: "ça fait longtemps qu'il n'y a plus grand-chose d'organisé ici"
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Près d'une famille belge sur quatre éprouve des difficultés à nourrir ses enfants: "Il y en a de plus en plus qui sont privés de repas"
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What to Know About Pope Francis’ Historic Asia Trip
(8 ştiri)
Jeux paralympiques – para-athlétisme 200 m T51 : 5e en finale, le Liégeois Roger Habsch relativisait : "Sans ce Covid, la médaille était pour moi"
(3 ştiri)
Pandemia a lăsat o gaură de 1 milion de lei în bugetul Teatrului Satiricus. Contabila instituției, la CMC: Dacă plouă, mergeți să mâncați, nu la spectacol
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Redresarea UE post pandemie încetinește pe măsură ce statele membre întâmpină dificultăți birocratice în accesarea fondurilor
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La RUS Ophain va enfin jouer sur un terrain synthétique : "certains n'y croyaient d'ailleurs plus"
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EU auditors warn of bloc's pandemic recovery fund delays
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ECA: Fondurile pentru redresarea UE după pandemie ajung în economia reală mai încet decât era planificat
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Covidul face din nou ravagii după luna concediilor. Peste 400 de bolnavi doar într-un singur județ
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"On va pouvoir protéger tous les bébés": cette arme fatale contre la bronchiolite va permettre aux familles d'affronter plus sereinement l'hiver
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Why Mar-a-Lago Has Made Donald Trump So Much Money
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IN FOCUS: ‘When I die, who’s going to look after you?’ – the pains of caring for adults with disabilities
IN FOCUS: ‘When I die, who’s going to look after you?’ – the pains of caring for adults with disabilities
IN FOCUS: ‘I only wish to live one second longer’ – the pains of parents of adults with disabilities
IN FOCUS: ‘I only wish to live one second longer’ – the pains of parents of adults with disabilities
Brad Pitt responds to woman being scammed with his AI likeness