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Revolte în Regatul Unit: Premierul Keir Starmer cere poliţiei să rămână ''în stare de alertă'' Revolte în Regatul Unit: Premierul Keir Starmer cere poliţiei să rămână ''în stare de alertă''
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Moartea lui Haniyeh: Iranul intenţionează mai degrabă să ţintească Mossadul decât teritoriul israelian (media) Moartea lui Haniyeh: Iranul intenţionează mai degrabă să ţintească Mossadul decât teritoriul israelian (media)
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Iranul este decis să atace Israelul
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Israeli army reports ‘military offensive’ in southern Gaza Strip Related news
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Extremiștii islamiști și anti-migrație crează teroare în UK. Românii se tem să mai iasă pe străzi
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Loose Women's Judi Love makes urgent plea to fans as she declares 'break for me'
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La préfecture de Corse demande l’annulation de deux arrêtés municipaux anti-burkini
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ISIS 'in communication with UK-based terrorists' over planned 'big attack'
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CNN: Iranul ar putea renunța să mai atace Israelul. Ce i-ar putea da înapoi pe oficialii de la Teheran
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Danish-Swedish Islamophobe charged with Quran burnings: Swedish media Related news
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2 Iranian brothers face U.S. charges in Houthi weapons smuggling case
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Concertele, ținta atacurilor teroriste. S-au înregistrat sute de morți
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How Terrorist-State Propaganda Became the Norm for U.S. Audiences
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As Biden-Harris Admin Calls for De-Escalation, Iran Threatens To ‘Wipe Out’ American Military Bases Across the Middle East
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Hundreds rally in Pakistan to show solidarity with Palestinians
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Concertele lui Taylor Swift de la Viena au fost anulate după ce poliţia a dejucat un atac terorist
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Scad temerile privind un atac iminent al Iranului asupra Israelului Scad temerile privind un atac iminent al Iranului asupra Israelului
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Yazidi community in Iraq commemorates 10th anniversary of Islamic State group's atrocities
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Shamima Begum's ISIS bride friends now - 'terrified phone call, bombing and 'death'
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Autorităţile austriece: Suspectul principal din complotul ce viza concertele lui Taylor Swift sprijinea Statul Islamic Autorităţile austriece: Suspectul principal din complotul ce viza concertele lui Taylor Swift sprijinea Statul Islamic
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IN FOCUS: ‘When I die, who’s going to look after you?’ – the pains of caring for adults with disabilities
IN FOCUS: ‘When I die, who’s going to look after you?’ – the pains of caring for adults with disabilities
IN FOCUS: ‘I only wish to live one second longer’ – the pains of parents of adults with disabilities
IN FOCUS: ‘I only wish to live one second longer’ – the pains of parents of adults with disabilities
Glastonbury neighbour scammed recently bereaved widow out of £670 fake tickets